Netgear Extender IP Address Not Working [Quick Solutions]

The default IP address of a Netgear wireless range extender is It needs to be accessed if you want to set up the device for the first time or log in to it for the third time to customize the settings. However, if accessing it seems difficult to you, then you have come to the right place. Here, we have talked about how you can fix the Netgear extender IP address not working issue. Taking this into account read the solutions given below.

How to Fix Netgear Extender IP Address Not Working Issue?

1. Enter the Correct IP Address

Netgear Extender IP Address Not Working [Quick Solutions]

Commence with the troubleshooting process by entering the correct IP address of the Netgear wireless range extender. For your information, a correct IP includes zero typing errors. Thus, take care of this point. Apart from this, cross-check the entrée before pressing the Enter key. After following this tip, see if you are able to access the IP of your device with ease. If not, then reading the next solution is suggested.

2. Do Not Use the Search Bar

Another reason why you are experiencing the Netgear extender IP not working issue because you used the search bar of your internet browser to access the address. Know that search bars are not recommended when it comes to accessing websites directly. Taking this into consideration, enter the IP address in the address bar or the URL field of your browser and press the Enter key.

3. Connect PC to the Internet

Chances are that your PC is not connected to the network of the extender due to which you are unable to access any website, let alone the IP address. In view of this, make sure that your PC is well connected to the internet. In case, you are unable to ensure the same via wireless connection, then use an Ethernet cable to connect the devices. Insert one end of the cable into the extender and another into the computer.

4. Use an Updated Browser

Is your internet browser working on its latest version? What is your answer? No? Well then, you need to update the web browser to its most recent version immediately. If you are using Google Chrome, then click MORE > HELP. Select UPDATE GOOGLE CHROME. Click RELAUNCH. Apart from this, clean the internet browser by making it free from cache, cookies, and browsing history.

5. Use a Virus-Free System

Check if the system, i.e. computer or laptop that you are using is infected with viruses or not. By any chance, if it is not, then waste no more time getting rid of them. The same can be done if you install an antivirus application on your system. It is recommended that before installation, you do some research on which is the best antivirus software or app that can be used to make the device virus-free.

6. Reboot the WiFi Extender

Even after following all the troubleshooting tips, if you are still experiencing the Netgear extender IP address not working issue, then you should consider rebooting or restarting your networking device. This can be done if you turn off your extender, wait for 30 seconds, and then, turn it on. In case, this does not help you out either, then also reboot the existing modem as well as the computer.

7. Perform Factory Default Reset

Considering you are reading this troubleshooting tip, it can only mean one thing, i.e. you are still not able to access the default IP address of your networking device. Now, your only resort is to restore your networking device to its default factory settings. The same can be done if you press and hold the Reset button located on the wireless range extender. After that, refer to the steps given in the manual and learn how to setup a WiFi extender.

Final Words

Here ends the guide discussing how to troubleshoot the Netgear extender IP address not working issue. Hopefully, now, you will be able to access the default IP of your range extender with ease. If what we are hoping for comes true, then it is recommended that you log in to your device and give the device a personal touch. In other words, feel free to customize its settings.

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